Zennir Youcef2024-04-172024-04-172022-12-042543-3792http://dspace.univ-skikda.dz:4000/handle/123456789/1136This article proposes a model predictive control (MPC) for trajectory tracking of a microrobot in a 2D fluidic environment. The reference trajectory is generated using a joystick device and it is estimated using a Luenberger observer. Assuming that the position of the microrobot is measured, the objective is to design an observer-based MPC control capable to track the reference trajectory generated by a joystick device. To optimize the MPC control, we have introduced a quadratic criterion where these parameters are determined to have a specific behavior of the closed loop system. Finally, simulation results are presented here to show the efficiency of the proposed approach.enModel predictive controller for a microrobot navigating in a vascular channel by following a trajectory generated with a joystick deviceArticle