An introdution to statistics and probability
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August 20, 1955 University. Skikda.
The purpose of this handout is to provide an introduction
to the general principles of probability and statistics, which may
be of interest to anyone interested in this discipline, regardless of
their specialization. It may be of particular interest as a refer-
ence for second-year students in civil engineering, mechanical en-
gineering, process engineering, control systems, and electronics.
Probability is one of the modules taught by numerous research-
ers, as most sciences rely on probabilities for studies; results are
often based on probabilities that are primarily governed by laws,
and each phenomenon has a speciÖc law. On the other hand,
statistics plays an increasingly important role in almost all as-
pects of human behavior. Initially developed in public a§airs,
which explains its name, its ináuence has now expanded to agri-
culture, medicine, biology, physics, and other branches of science
and technology. At the beginning of each chapter, we provide
important deÖnitions and theorems, and then we o§er some ex-
ercises with solutions. The Örst part of the handout is devoted to
probability, which includes combinatorial analysis, probability cal-
culations, and random variables. The second part focuses on stat-
istics. First, we cover the terminology of statistics, and then we
o§er some exercises with solutions. The Örst part of the handout
is devoted to probability, which includes combinatorial analysis,
probability calculations, and random variables. The second part
focuses on statistics. First, we cover the terminology of statist-
ics, and then we have two chapters: statistical series with one
variable and statistical series with two variables. Through this
content, the main objective is to understand the deÖnitions and
theorems, and the student will also be able to study probability
and statistical models