Performance Analysis of Nature-Inspired Algorithms for PID Control of Electric Wheelchairs

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Zennir Youcef
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International Journal of Automation and Safety (2024) Vol2, N° 02.p-p 14-19
This study presents the development and optimization of an electric wheelchair designed to improve the mobility and independence of users with disabilities. The system integrates mechanical modeling using SOLIDWORKS, kinematic simulation in SIMULINK, and advanced control strategies employing nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms. A model-free co-simulation approach between SOLIDWORKS and SIMULINK enables realistic and adaptable system simulations without relying on predefined mathematical models. Key algorithms, including Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA), and Dragonfly Algorithm (DA), are utilized to tune PID controllers for optimal trajectory tracking and system responsiveness. Simulation tests in Coppeliasim demonstrate the wheelchair’s capability for precise navigation, and safety enhancement. The Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) showcased superior performance in achieving smoother and more accurate trajectory tracking. This research highlights the potential of combining simulation tools and metaheuristic optimization techniques to enhance the usability and functionality of intelligent wheelchairs, offering a practical solution to improve the quality of life for individuals with limited mobility.