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Faculty of Sciences
This project aimed to develop two deep learning models Densnet121 and CNN for
plant disease detection using a dataset of leaf images (tomato - pepper - potato). The
primary objective was to achieve high accuracy in classifying and identifying diseases
affecting at (tomato - pepper - potato). The dataset utilized was PlantVillage dataset is
available on Kaggel, which consisted of 20,600 images (tomato - pepper - potato).
The project involved several stages, including loading the dataset into a TensorFlow
dataset and preprocessing the images using custom layers for resizing, rescaling, and data
augmentation. The CNN model architecture comprised convolutional and pooling layers,
followed by a flattening layer, dense layers, and a final classification layer. The model was
compiled with the Adam optimizer, and accuracy was selected as the evaluation metric.
To ensure reliable evaluation, the dataset was divided into training, testing, and
validation sets. The normal cnn model was trained for 20 epochs using the training
dataset, with a batch size of 32 and the Densenet121 was trained for 100 epochs The
validation set was employed to assess the two models performance during training, and
the training history was recorded for further analysis.
The two trained model demonstrated an impressive accuracy achievement of 0.96 for
the normal cnn model and for the Densenet121 0.98, highlighting its effectivenes the
Densenet121 in accurately detecting and classifying plant diseases. Random images were
used for testing, and the model consistently exhibited high precision in disease prediction
better than the normal cnn model.