A systematic approach for risk assessment in LPG storage tanks area – SKIKDA refinery.
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Algerian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. Vol.X. NoX. (YYYY)
In this work we present a risk assessment methodology,
Implemented based on the integration of two methods D-HIGRAPH
and HAZOP. The approach is applied on the LPG storage Area in
SKIKDA refinery (the most important refinery in Algeria). Several
recommendations raised from the study to improve the plant safety.
The study is completed by simulating the effects resulted from an
explosion in the sphere S-151 (for butane storage) using ALOHA
Software. In simulation, the following cases are considered: the
explosion effect, the toxic material release and the thermal effect of
flammable material release, the results are mapped on the refinery
map to indicate the exact threated zones