FMEA-Failure Modes & Effects Analysis for Incident Investigation ELECTRIC ARC FURNACE -EBT SYSTEM
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ALGERIAN JOURNAL OF SIGNALS AND SYSTEMES (AJSS).Vol. 9, Issue 4, December-2024.p-p212-221
Although FMEA is traditionally a tool for prevention, it can be adjusted to serve as an investigation
method. When an incident occurs, using FMEA allows for a thorough and structured analysis of the failure modes
that conduct to it. This approach assists in identifying root causes, understanding the impact of each failure mode,
and developing corrective actions to prevent recurrence. The systematic nature of FMEA ensures that all possible
factors contributing to the incident are considered, leading to a comprehensive understanding and robust
preventive measures. The study demonstrates the application of FMEA to investigate for an incident involving an
EBT system at electrical arc furnace EAF in a steel complex. The incident in question involves the sudden
movement of ladle car parked under EAF to receive the molten metal leading to taping molten metal out the ladle,
by the applying of FMEA , the investigation team aims to identify the failure modes that contributed to this incident,
assess their effects, calculate their criticality, and develop corrective actions to prevent similar incidents in the