Spurious Trip Rate Optimization Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
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International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering. Vol. 41, No. 1, February, 2024. pp 63-69
The purpose of this study is to enhance the reliability of emergency shutdown systems in
the electric production industry by addressing spurious activations. Such activations may
lead to production losses, stress on affected components and systems, and increase hazards
during the restoration process of the system and losing the trust in safety system. This can
lead to ignorance of serious detections of dangerous situations. Hence, the optimization
and control of spurious activations becomes imperative for ensuring both efficiency and
cost-effectiveness of any industrial plant. In the last few decays, several optimization
meta-heuristic techniques are developed in literature. Particle swarm optimization is
power and robust tool dedicated to solve complex problems. This paper presents a
comprehensive review of the application of particle swarm optimization to minimize
spurious trip rate by the optimization of performance parameters of emergency shutdown
system installed in a combined cycle power plant. The results show that the obtained
spurious activations rate is minimum.