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Item Pedagogical handout Subject : Entrepreneurship Practical Guide(Faculty of Sciences, 2023) FOUFOU , AmmarAt the beginning of the 21st century, the Algerian university is confronted with numerous socio-economic and pedagogical challenges that cast doubt on its usual positioning in relation in particular to economic sectors. Training in the field of agronomy is essential to enable the university to forge links with its environment and to promote the integration of the labor force into working life. Another vision is also possible in today's world, characterized by both overwhelming globalization and a market economy that is sometimes devastating for nations that have difficulty integrating into its dynamics and its two-speed logic. The economic development of a country is closely linked to its growth, while the latter depends directly on the GDP which, in turn, cannot be dissociated from the wealth created at the national level. The creation of wealth at the national level cannot, in any way, be done without the establishment of an economy encouraging the creation of businesses (SMEs and SMIs) and the spirit of initiative. In this regard, the richest and most exporting countries on the planet are those that have been able to steer their economy towards export and put in place the necessary mechanisms for the creation of business projects in various fields. Algeria and its economy are struggling to diversify and get out of dependence on hydrocarbons, while other alternatives are possible in order to achieve the necessary balance that allows our country to maintain itself and resist any disruption in its the international economy or the unpredictable drop in the price of a barrel of oil. At the same time, agriculture constitutes a reliable and valid alternative on which our economy could be based, without neglecting the role of the University as a place of training and a source of innovation. The creation of businesses and projects in the agricultural field is a real opportunity for young university agronomists graduating from the University with diplomas in various specialties. We have long made students believe that once they have left the University after a long course of 18 years on average in classes (from primary to graduation and schooled throughout their learning at zero dinars in the public school) that it is up to the State to take care of him to give him work. Because of these embodied ideas, we have the impression that the University is manufacturing unemployed people who end up on the benches of the waiting rooms to get a job that the public services could offer them. As a result, the most important aspect that has been neglected in the university training of students, particularly in the agronomic field, is the fact of instilling in future managers the spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship in order to build themselves and contribute to the creation of small businesses in the form of projects starting from simple ideas in their field of training. Indeed, this manual is intended to show the way to our future executives in multiple specialties to learn the scientific methods relating to the setting up of business projects, particularly in the agronomic field, while drawing inspiration from and basing themselves on the methodologies adopted. by international institutions such as the European Commission and the FAO. This manual is presented in a simplified manner based on illustrations of diagrams summarizing the steps and procedures necessary for the creation and analysis of projects, starting from the simple idea to the concretization, verification and implementation. workItem Polycopié pédagogique du cours de la matière « Analyse Instrumentale »(Faculté des Sciences, 2023) BECHIRI , LoubnaL’objectif de ce document pédagogique est de permettre aux étudiants de la troisième année licence LMD en Production végétale d’acquérir certaines notions fondamentales en analyse instrumentale et leur application au niveau du laboratoire. D’une part fournir les bases pratiques aidant à la compréhension des notions théoriques et d’autre part d’apprendre à l’étudiant la démarche à adopter face à un instrument d’analyse. • Il vise à permettre de comprendre les bases théoriques des différentes techniques d’analyse et leurs application ; • Acquérir leurs principes théoriques ; • Se familiariser avec la construction de l’appareillage utilisé dans les différentes techniques ; • Connaitre les différents instruments utilisés en Agronomie et savoir les manipuler ; • Connaître les applications et les limitations des techniques analytiques instrumentales ; • Être en mesure de choisir la technique la plus appropriée aux divers problèmes analytiques ; • Permettre aux étudiants qui préparent leur mémoire de fin de cycle de maîtriser les principales techniques d’analyse au niveau du végétal et du sol, prendre connaissance des instruments et leur manipulation. L’étudiant au terme de l’activité sera capable: - De comprendre le fonctionnement et la procédure d’utilisation d’électrodes indicatrices telles que le pH mètre, conductimètre… - D’utiliser, en suivant des procédures écrites, des appareils d’analyse instrumentale ; - De construire et utiliser une courbe d’étalonnage et une droite de calibration pour les différentes techniques instrumentales ; - Interpréter les résultats d’analyses instrumentales. Ce polycopié est réparti en cinq chapitres. 1- INTRODUCTION 2- METHODES SPECTROMETRIQUES 3- METHODES ELECTROCHIMIQUES 4- METHODES ENZYMATIQUES 5- CHAMBRE A PRESSION ; POTENTIEL HYDRIQUE FOLIAIRE